The 1920s marked the great era of multi-unit apartment house construction on Central Park West. Once the Upper West Side was made accessible by the new subway line, a succession of grand residential buildings began to rise, changing the landscape and view from Columbus Circle to Central Park North.
Today our neighborhood is a particularly vibrant and diverse part of the city. When construction of Central Park began in 1857, West 101 Street was in the heart of farmland and country estates known as Bloomingdale Village named by the early Dutch settlers after their sleepy Dutch town that was located near Haarlem.
The Central Park View was completed in 1927; its larger apartments offered a maid’s room with its own intercom entrance, a buzzer in the living room and a foot button in the dining room to call for service. The Central Park View looks much the same as it did back in the 1920’s. The stately, seventeen story pre-war residential building was designed by architects Deutsch & Schneider. The Tudor style lobby has been restored and maintains its original stained glass windows and terrazzo tile floors.
Originally a rental building, The Central Park View became a cooperative in 1987. Its 91 apartments are home to a lively mix of families and individuals. The building has a noteworthy roster of residents, past and present, and has always been a place that attracted artists, musicians and writers. Luminaries of the past include great jazz musicians, lyricists, producers and poets. Please visit our page titled “Famous Residents” to read about the amazing talent that once resided at 415 Central Park West.
Photo credit: Gloria Baker
The sample soundtrack for the song 415 Central Park West, by Steve Grossman, is part of his 1993 album “Time to Smile” and features Elvin Jones, a former resident of The Central Park View.
415 Central Park West, circa 1928